Monday, April 14, 2008

Baker's Weekly Read-Raves and Food-Faves

Mom-berry, Baker-berry, cookin' in the kitchen-ary. Stir berries, whip berries, mixin' up the Jamberries. Cookin' in the kitchen is one of Baker's favorite activities, and I try to tie the cooking to books as Baker so adores his food (toddlers need to develop a fond emotional bond with books). Today we brought out the blender and splattered only one wall. Unfortunately, as we are city-dwellers, we didn't get to pick our berries from bushes as did Jamberry author Bruce Degen as a child.

One cup rice milk
One cup frozen strawberries
Half cup frozen blueberries
One banana
Two scoops of frozen Vanilla Rice Cream
More rice milk as needed for desired consistency
Whip it up. Celebrate everything good. And, of course, read more books!

Baker's Picks-of-the-Week

Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney - A humorous look at pre-schooler fear. Lots of llama melodrama when little llama goes to bed then calls his mama, but mama llama gets distracted by a phone call. A+++++

Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard - I am not a morning gal so I relate to little Grumpy Bird who wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. An army of friends appear to support their maligned friend who eventually can't resist reciprocating the joys of companionship. New book. A+++++

Bark, George by Jules Feiffer - We laughed out loud at this VERY FUNNY toddler book about a "sick" dog who can't bark and his much-chagrined mother. Instead George moos, oinks, meows, and says "hello." The vet has the obvious answer. Hilarious. A+++++

Go To Bed, Monster! by Natasha Wing - Little Lucy's crayon creation keeps her up late. Too late. A reversal of a parent's bedtime battle where a child experiences the adult bedtime role and must get Monster to sleep. Loved the crayon-created illustrations. New book. Another A+++++

Jazzmatazz! by Stephanie Calmenson - A toe-tappin' and knee slappin' kind of book. A piano-playing mouse sneaks into the house, and with musical pets, a dancing baby, and eye-poppin' pictures has a jazzmatazz time. Enjoy this new picture book too!

cha-cha-chimps by Julia Durango - Another book with serious rhythym and rhyme. Ten kid-chimps sneak out late to celebrate in their "boogie-woogie pants" doing the cha-cha-cha. Their dance party comes to an abrupt end when ma-ma-ma finds them dancing (and teaching counting) in the moonlight. Another great choice.